Sunday, February 19, 2006

Des Moines Register Article

The Des Moines Register ran story today regarding Iowa university presidential salaries. Among other things, the Register reports of the University of Dubuque's president, "Bullock in 2004-05 received $295,705, which is more than the salary of the Robert Koob, the president of the University of Northern Iowa. Koob, who oversees a student body enrollment that is more than 10 times the size of the University of Dubuque, is paid $242,610 this year."

The article further reports, "The University of Dubuque's trustees in 2004-05 increased Bullock's compensation by 9.5 percent. The increase came when the university was being criticized for not granting tenure to a professor, an issue the prompted some students to begin blogging on the topic."

Of course, the editors of this blog take issue with the notion that Jeffries was not granted tenure, but this is--of course--the University's official position.

Be sure to read the rest of the article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

$295,705. Will UD be telling the Des Moines Registar that they have the dollar amount wrong to? Can someone have the UD lawers write the Des Moines paper to get them to stop on this reporting?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog wrote
"The increase came when the university was being criticized for not granting tenure to a professor, an issue the prompted some students to begin blogging on the topic."

Of course, the editors of this blog take issue with the notion that Jeffries was not granted tenure, but this is--of course--the University's official position."

As we will see in a few days
when we read UDs court material, UD did not offer Jeffries tenure. UD gave him a thing often confused with Tenure called UDs Word. Except when one gets UDs Word they find out that UDs Word is not worth much. Things like Honoring your Word and Living the Word are phrases and terms used by represenatives of the school that actually have nothing to do with the runnign of the school.

It will be interesting to see if UDs court material came from UDs lawyers or if they downloaded the material.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to stress to the person above that I am offended by his comments. Are you saying UD should practice ethics? Come on, be realistic. UD talks about ethics.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given the choice, which would you choose?

A. A school with lavish buildings and a highly paid president,


B. A faculty that has the freedom to speak the truth and who are treated fairly.

Based on the news reports in the DM Register, one might be inclined to believe that the UD Trustees have opted for the first choice above. Given information available from a variety of sources, one could conclude that the UD Board of Trustees cares much more about fundraising than it does about truth, integrity, and the meaning of a Christian university.
I'm a faculty member at a state university, and I'm appalled at the UD policies that limit faculty freedom to speak the truth. I'm aghast at the lack of clear and just employment policies. At the public university where I work, there are well-defined policies and procedures for contract renewals, tenure decisions, and appeals of such decisions. No faculty would lose his or her job in the way Jeffries lost his. Is it expecting too much for a school that calls itself "Christian" to seek to treat its faculty with at least as much justice and kindness as a secular school would?
Furthermore, the limits on faculty freedom to speak the truth at UD cause one to question whether the term "university" should be applied to this institution. How can a professor teach his or her students to think critically and to seek the truth when he or she is not allowed to be critical of the administration at the institution?
'Sounds to me like UD is becoming a fancy trade school. Situations like this make me glad I teach at a public university.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also teach at a public university. I find it disappointing that this situation has happened.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of seeking the truth, does anyone else familiar with UD suspect that Peter Smith is at least as responsible as anyone else for the distortion and manipulation of the truth that is now pervasive at UD?

Monday, March 06, 2006 8:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to see that the TH has still not mentioned this....I guess it might have something to do with several conflicts of interests within the Board. Time for a Wendt Meeting.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 10:08:00 AM  

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