Price Subpoena Available for Viewing
We have posted Jason Price's subpoena on our download site. Although the entire document contains of wealth of interesting information, of particular interest is the University's demand that Price turn over any and all communications he has had with the following individuals:
- Paul Jeffries
- Janet Jamieson (UD professor)
- Alan Lisk (UD professor)
- Chris Daniels (association to UD unknown)
- Tim Rupert (student)
- Kate Conway (student)
- Alfred Reims (student)
- Lyle Vander Broek (UD seminary professor)
- Alice Oleson (UD professor)
- Jane Morgan (UD academic support staff)
- Rachel Daack (UD professor)
- Ann Pelelo (former UD professor)
- Jon Barz (UD professor)
- Jerry Zurcher (UD professor)
- Bonnie Sue Lewis (UD seminary professor)
- Ralph Scharnau (former UD professor)
- Robert Miller (former UD professor)
- Julia McDonald (former UD professor)
- James Lindsey (former UD professor)
- The Des Moines Register or any employee or agent thereof
- The Telegraph Herald or any employee or agent thereof
- The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) or any employee or agent thereof
- Internal Revenue Service
There are a number of new court documents available at the Dubuque County Courthouse, which we hope to post in the next few days. These include the University's contempt filing against Mr. Price and an "Order to Compel," which Dr. Jeffries' lawyer has filed against the University. Check back for updates regarding these documents.
Beyond Shocked. Beyond Hurt. Private communications of seminary faculty and students are subpoened? This may tear the heart out of our seminary.
So what happens now, does UD really put a student in jail?
Will filing subpoena and contempt charges against a student be Professor Simon's service or committee work for the year?
Sorry, I'm a little behind on the news. Is Prof. Simon the lawyer now faculty member? Just trying to keep it all straight.
Barz? Pelelo? Daack? Three of the most dedicated, hardworking,honest,Christian professors on the faculty! Is UD going to harass all faculty that have CHARACTER? This is simply ridiculous and paranoid. When will the faculty member that created this entire mess step forward to stop it? I don't mean Jeffries...we all know who it is, and although we are forgiving, this has gone too far. Way too far. Pelelo is a "former" faculty member? Another one bites the dust...Dr. Pelelo is not the problem, nor is Barz or Daack. Think about it, Jason Price the problem? No. Tim Rupert? No. Kate Conway? Come ON... What happened to Freedom of Speech? Not at UD? How much money is this litigation costing the university? And to what end? It smacks of the neighborhood bully making certain everyone knows they are "right". Well, UD, you're wrong,wrong,wrong.
Amen to the above!!!
This whole situation is very sad and I can’t believe that it has actually come down to this. How far is UD willing to go? Are they going to file charges against every student and staff member who has complained about the University? They would have to get rid of everyone. I have problems with the way that UD is run, what student or staff or faculty member doesn’t? It is sad that the only way to express ourselves is through a website because people are afraid of repercussions. I really hope that things start to change, because I don’t want to see the University fail. Only the truth will be able to fix the problems now, subpoenas for students will only make things worse. If UD is worried about their image, this can’t be a good idea.
As someone who is new to blogs and only found this one when alerted to the existence of the list, I have to comment on the range of reactions to the blog.
High-level UD officials feel that the blog is being used by cowards to spread falsehoods and muck about UD, in a sleazy attempt to damage the institution.
From the sentiments expressed on the blog, it seems clear that many people object to the suppression of dissent on the UD campus, and consider the blog to be a much-needed vehicle to exercise the Freedom of Speech that Americans value so highly.
How can the University administration be encouraged to see beyond the tunnel vision that they are currently using?
what falsehoods?
Administrators dispute some of the sequences of events laid out in "comments", for example the role of the plagiarism case in precipitating action against Jeffries.
In my view, even if the challenge of the "gag clause" was the main action that motivated removal of tenure, etc., for Jeffries, the University was still very wrong.
Did UD leave anyone out? Can anyone think of anyone that should have been added to the witch-hunt?
Did UD leave anyone out? Can anyone think of anyone that should have been added to the witch-hunt?
Why on earth would anyone answer that question here? I doubt it's too late to issue another subpoena with new names. I can think of people who weren't listed, but I'm not about to give any clues as to who they are.
This is nothing new and consistent with UD unethical behavior. In 1999 every UD faculty member was served with a document delivered to their doors by a sheriff's deputy notifying them that they were being sued by the Board of Directors of the University of Dubuque. Imagine the feelings of the faculty members and the suspicions of neighbors who saw a sheriff's deputy in uniform delivering this notice? The president does nothing without the approval of the Board of Directors. They are implicated and their names should be publicized so that they can accept accolades or condemnations.
The subpoena is an attempt at intimidation and punishment--an old tactic. Contempt charges are covered in the first amendment's freedom of speech--something the university administration knows absolutely nothing about. We have King George Bush and newly discovered King Jeffrey Bullock. How does he sleep at night? What explanation and defense will he give to his child when he grows up?
Dr. James Lindsay was a History Professor at the University of Dubuque and retired due to poor health. He was and is a severe critic of the administration of the University of Dubuque.
As one of the individuals named on the list, I have thought about it a lot. What are those of us named on the list to think, other than that we are in illustrious company?
Curiously, the UD administration does not aske for communication by Price with his family members and clerks at the local fast-food restaurants. An oversight.
This is what lawyers call a fishing expedition--usually not acceptable from the point of view of judges who want specific charges. But UD will give it the old college try!
I just read the original subpoena and Jason Price is one of "the following individuals" with whom he has communicated. Does UD want any notes he has written to himself? Like a shopping list? What about mumbling to himself? Reminders he has written to himself in ink on the back of his hand? Yes it does!!
Hey editors, where are the UD contempt filings and the "Order to Compel" you promised eons ago?
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