Rumor Substantiated
According to court documents, Mr. Price refused to obey the University's subpoena. Consequently, at the end of June, a charge of contempt was filed against Mr. Price by the lawyer's representing UD. As far as we can tell, this filing is still under the court's consideration and Mr. Price has not yet been found to be in contempt.
UD administrators have known for some time that Jason Price was, at one time, involved in the editing of this website. In December 2005, Mr. Price was "outed" as an editor by a faculty member. Soon afterwards, he was requested to meet with President Bullock regarding his involvement. Prior to this meeting, Price and the editors agreed to permanently cut his access privileges to the site. Now although Mr. Price was involved with this site, and although he has been outspoken about his belief that Paul and Ruth Jeffries and the entire UD faculty have suffered an injustice at the hands of the current administration, it is not clear how his personal e-mails, financial statements, phone records, etc. relate to the actual lawsuit. Rumors have been circulating that the University is attempting to connect Dr. Jeffries with the editors of this site in some way or another.
We will be posting Mr. Price's subpoena and the contempt filing as soon as possible. The document is currently not available for scanning, but is expected to be made available late this week or early next week.
It seems clear that the UD administration has become completely unhinged. It can only be a matter of time before this witch hunt comes to the attention of the Chronicle of Higher Education, Des Moines Register, and other outlets. Once it does, student recruiters are going to have to face some new challenges. Perhaps incoming students should insist that the administration sign a contract that requires them to refund in full all tuition paid in the event that the administration harasses them with subpoenas.
Thanks for the update, Editors! I've been wondering what's going on.
Does anyone know how the University decided to check out people? Is there an enemies list? This is crazy
I know an inquiry was made about me some time ago when I asked some questions and requested documents. I don't know how far it went. I complained about it to the administration and haven't heard anything about it since then.
Does anyone know how far this has already gone? The request is for communication between Jason Price and these other people wich would include private non-ud email. I wonder if UD has already searched communication between People and Jason Price from UD email without telling anyone.
I wonder what the ethics of that are?
This will be the most interesting reading on the blog so far. Just who does the university want to monitor and who is on the university list of people in question? Will be if the subpoena requests communications between Price and his seminary faculty members? That will really interesting as we might actually see some anger show up in public. The various churches might have something to say if communcations between their ministers and seminary students are being made public record.
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