Settlement Details Released
In the article, Jeffries explains that he originally sought $140,000 plus reinstatement of tenure; however, he raised his demand to $500,000 after the University's own expert witness testified that tenure was worth $1 million.
Jeffries is said to have settled "because he wanted to be able to speak about the case publicly, did not want his former UD colleagues to have to testify against their employer in a trial and wanted to keep the university from continually appealing the issue."
See also the Chronicle of Higher Education article regarding the settlement.
As a result of this news, we will no longer update the blog, except perhaps if we come across further news relating to the Jeffries ordeal. We thank our readers for contributing their thoughts. We pray that the University's leadership will have the new-found wisdom to avoid administrative blunders such as those that precipitated Jeffries' termination, and we hope that the institution's future proves to be brighter than its recent past.
In these kind of cases, one of the issues of law is that the defendant has to prove loss of income. Once Jeffries accepted another position, he no longer lost income and would not be able to prove loss. His legal position would have been enhanced had he not accepted another position but that was not realistic.
He would have prevailed on the tenure issue but the University, with its deep pockets, would have appealed and appealed until he ran out of money for legal expenses.
The Board of Trustee will have no "new-found" wisdom and will continue to run rough-shod over any opposition to it. It has ruined the University academically. The evidence is overwhelming: just compare UD faculty with Clarke and Loras faculties with regard to number of Ph.D.s, number of tenured faculty, number of faculty teaching completely in their academic areas of expertise, number of refereed (evaluated by peers in the field) journal articles published, number of books published, number of Fulbright scholarships, etc.
The hubris and ignorance of this Board is astounding and they all deserve impeachment.
I want to thank all editors and contributing authors to this blog. It has provided both information and catharsis for all interested parties; excepting of course, UD officials who continue to "not understand" the people they work with...nor do they really care about the people they work with.
The president of Oral Roberts U just resigned following an embittered and lengthy faculty lawsuit over his alledged improprieties.
I wonder how many lawsuits Dr. Bullock can withstand before the board wakes up?
Let's count 'em. One for sure pertained to Upper Iowa and the second one pertained to Dr. Jeffries.
What is known thus far, Jeffries settled out of court and the Upper Iowa issue is unknown.
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The University of Dubuque SUCKS!! Fuck them and their ways of treating you like a child prisoner!!! As for security...they can suck it! Get a fucking life and leave the cars and students alone. We put ourselves in enough debt and should be able to park for free!!!
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