Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Letter from Charles Nadler

Awhile ago, Charles Nadler, who represented the faculty in collective bargaining from 1975 until 1982 and who defended the faculty against the Board's 1999 lawsuit, sent us the following letter (we apologize for the delay in posting this):
Dear Editors:

Thank you for standing up and joining the long line of people who have stood up against the tyrants at the University of Dubuque. Those who criticize you for remaining anonymous are shameful. Anyone who has observed the behavior of President Bullock and the Board, knows or should know that anyone employed by the University, or who is a student there, is in serious danger from them, if they speak up.

I write as an interested outsider, who represented the faculty in collective bargaining from 1975 until 1982, when I went to law school. I was one of the attorneys who defended the faculty against the lawsuit brought against them by the Board, and which was won in June of 1999, by the faculty. I am also a former three time president of the Iowa Civil Liberties Union.

It appears that the University has sunk to a new low in four respects. First, it has apparently required faculty to agree that if they criticize the administration in any way for any reason, their salary is forfeit. This is close to involuntary servitude. However, legally, the employment relationship in a private entity is nearly such. Second, its lawyer has attempted to subpoena records belonging to a student, apparently in order to find out which, if any, faculty or staff are "bad mouthing" the administration. Presumably, this is so the administration can know whom to punish. Third, the University appears to have indicated that the subpoena would go away if the suit by Professor Jeffries were to be dropped. This sounds like a form of extortion to me. Were an attorney to say such a thing in Colorado, he/she would be subject to discipline. Fourth, the University appears to have been making noises threatening the blog you have provided to air these issues. I think your blog is quite fair and has little in the way of "flamimg" or anything else that could be considered nasty.

I am afraid this is what happens when a cabal of businessmen, who think that just because they have made a few bucks, they know how to run an academic institution!

Again, thank you for your public service. I hope you will keep it up!

Sincerely yours,
Charles H Nadler

Letter from a Former Prospective Student

We received the following letter from a woman who had considered going to UD, but changed her mind after finding out about the Jeffries ordeal:
This whole scandal [...] is behind my decision to not go to [the University of Dubuque]. I just could not bring myself to going; I had set up an appointment to meet with them about starting in September (as a returning adult student, in nursing), but had to cancel.

I simply could not go to a school that does something like this. I told them why I could not go to their school. I don't think it matters to them, but I had to speak up, and speak out.

I wonder how many others couldn't be bothered -- or if high school seniors don't care about such things?


Please visit "About What Wendt Wrong"

We have published a post on "About What Wendt Wrong" regarding some common questions and concerns surrounding the request for volunteers to scan and fax court documents. We encourage interested readers to check out that post.

Motions to Exclude Now Available (UPDATED)

The download site now contains both Professor Jeffries' and the University's motions to exclude evidence. Please post summaries, thoughts, or comments under this thread.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Letter from Figuli (to Jeffries' attorney)

A letter from Figuli (counsel to the University) is available on the download site. In this letter, Figuli explains on a point-by-point basis why he thinks the Jeffries case is without merits.

Please post your thoughts or comments regarding this letter here.

Friday, March 16, 2007

UD's "Expert Witness" Testimony Available Online

We have posted two letters frow two of the UD's potetial "expert witnesses" on the download site. Please post your thoughts or comments regarding the content of these letters here.

NOTE: Jeffries has filed a motion to exclude in regards to these two witnesses. We will be posting that motion in the next day or so.


Because we have been unable to update the What Wendt Wrong site with the frequency required, we have decided to institute a new format for the blog (at least for the next few months).

We will be posting links to court documents as we receive them. However, unlike in the past, it is unlikely that we will provide summaries or interpretations of the documents. We are going to leave that to you! Please post comments, interpretations, etc. in the comments field of the relevant post.


We have set up a fax number for receiving copies of court documents. The Jeffries' file at the Dubuque County Courthouse looks as if it contains at least 300 pages of documentation. We invite each of you to head down to the courthouse (at your leisure), look through the files, and copy what you think it relevant. If you then fax those pages to us, we will post them for other readers to download. To request our toll-free fax number, email us at Thanks.
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